because we may not produce enzymes able to metabolize these molecules
On average the body is able to metabolize about 2 ounces of alcohol per hour which is about 1 beer, 1 mixed drink or 1 average glass of wine. There are variables though so to be safe; just do not drink. A really long time.
Yes. Alcohol is metabolized at a rate specified by YOUR body. If your BAC (blood alcohol level) is high enough, you will not be able to metabolize all of the alcohol just by sleeping it off for a couple hours. If you drink that much, I suggest that you might have an alcohol problem and should probably seek help. Simply put, it takes about an hour for the average person to metabolise a unit of alcohol. If you consume eight units of alcohol, you will need about eight hours to clear your system. This varies from person to person.
Many bacteria that are able to metabolize citrate do not produce a positive result on citrate utilization tests because they usually require specific conditions or mutations to express the necessary citrate transporter genes. In the absence of these conditions or mutations, the bacteria cannot transport citrate into the cell for metabolism, resulting in a negative test result.
Most children are able to effectively blow their nose by the age of 4 or 5.
She is articulate, if she is able to speak clearly and effectively. So is she?
Well I don't think a bean can grow in alcohol because the alcohol will not be able to provide the nutrients for the bean so i do not think it will be able to grow...
Alcohol abuse can have negative long term effects on your body and it has been linked to many illnesses. That's why drinking in moderation is important. The liver can break down about one drink or unit of alcohol an hour, and if you drink in moderation your liver will be able to metabolize the alcohol with no problem. Drinking alcohol in moderation is associated with better health and living longer. A major benefit of drinking moderately is that it dramatically reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, the major cause of death in Western countries. However, it also reduces the risk of type 2 Diabetes and other serious diseases.
Rubbing alcohol.
Yes, gender can affect the amount of alcohol in the blood. Generally, women tend to have a higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC) than men after consuming the same amount of alcohol due to differences in body composition and metabolism. Women typically have a higher proportion of body fat and lower levels of water, leading to slower alcohol metabolism and higher BAC levels.
women were more in favour of Prohibition of alcohol because the were the ones that were the most abused as a result of its use. men that were drunks were also often violent and mean. A man that drinks too much is also less likely to be able to earn a reasonable living and be able to look after the wife and children.
The difference: To speak and listen effectively; If you speak effectively then others will understand what your saying and thier able to carry out with the details, If you listen effectively, then your able to understand what is being said to you and your able to carry out the details. The difference between succeeding and failing in a job If you dont listen effectively then your unable to understand what the point is their trying to make and if you cannot understand the point, then your not able to do what is being asked, to their specifications.