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Yes...and no.

Most left brained people are very logical and analytical which can lead one to believe that the 49% left brained population of the world tends to be better at more logical subjects.

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Q: Are left brain people good at math?
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Is it normal for a college student to be good at math but a sucker at writing?

Yes. Most people are either math and science oriented or language oriented. Few are naturally good at both. Most people are either left brain dominant or right brain dominant. If you are left brain dominant you are better at math and science, right brain dominant is better with languages.

Is engineering for people who are good at math but bad at writing and are left brained?

NO. The left side of the brain is believed to be expert at language, numbers, critical thinking, logic and reasoning. So if you are good in math, it is most likely that you are also good in writing. It is more appropriate to say that Engineering is for people who are interested in Math and they are left-brained people.

Why is it that some people who are good at math bad at English?

some people are good with numbers then words They use opposite sides of the brain. Left for maths and right for language.

Why are some people naturally good at math?

Have you heard of left brain-right brain? Left-brain thinkers are (usually) good at mathematics because they are logical, rational, analytic, etc., which are aspects of math. Right brain thinkers are (usually) good at English because they are more social, linguistic, see the big picture, and are half the time religious, which are aspects of English class. Left brain is to math, like Right brain is to English. Look up MBTI on google to see your personality type. I am an INTJ - Introversion, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judgmental. It is because of this I excel in math, but I don't like English.

What part of the brain do you use when doing math?

The left lobe of your brain is the part of the brain you use to do math.

What part of your brain does math?

your cerebrum-(the left hemisphere)

Why students who are good in math are not good in English?

Because of the way the brain works, some people are good at both, and some are good at one but not the other

Why is it that some people who are good at mathematics terrible at writing essays or papers?

People who are more dominant in the left side of their brain are more logical and are better at math. Those that favor their right side are more creative and better at writing.

Does the left side of the brain control math skills?

Generally speaking, the left side of the brain, or left hemisphere, is in charge of logical thinking and mathematical computations. People who are said to be left dominant usually also have strong language skills and ability.

Why is Math so boring to some girls?

Math can be boring or people of both genders, but puts girls at a disadvantage. This is because the female brain deals better with language, while the male brain excels at math. This is a generalization and does not reflect the abilities of a certain individual because boys have their left brain more devloped, and girls have their right brain more devlolped..... i thiink that's right :) btw i hate math!and i am a girl

Why are some people great at math but bad at English writing?

It's just the way your brain works. Some people are good at art, others get music, others get math. It can't really be changed.

The left hemisphere of the brain is primarily responsible for?

The left hemisphere of the brain contains the centers for logic and reasoning. It also contains language and math. Broca's area and Wernicke's area are on the left hemisphere.