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Identical twins can be identical, but not all the time.

Sometimes one may have a pointy ear ect.

But they are still identical twins. Identical twins can supposidly feel what they're twin is feeling, like, if one twin were to be in panic, the other one may feel it too.

Identical twins are also known to finish each others sentences and mirror each others movements.

I'll use John and Edward Grimes for examples. (Sorry if you don't like them, but I am a big fan and know a lot about them and I can't think of any other twin examples that I can use)

When they were babies, they slept in cots next to each other. One night, Edward pulled the blankets right over his head, and his twin brother, John Grimes, started screaming his head off until his mother came and seen what Edward had done.

Identical twins usually chirp into their twins sentence.

For an example of that go here:

You will find they keep interupting each other, I've heard that twins usually do that to gain attention, having a twin and all.

Hope that helped. ^^

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