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Q: Are huge futanari penises real or photo-shopped?
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How does a futanari work?

"Futanari" is a genre of anime, manga, and artwork that depicts characters with both male and female sexual characteristics. It is a fictional concept and not a real-life phenomenon. The portrayal of futanari characters varies in different works of fiction, and they are often depicted in explicit or erotic contexts.

Is there a real futanari?

Futanari refers to a genre of fictional characters that possess both male and female sexual characteristics. In reality, intersex people may have variations in sex characteristics, but the depiction of futanari in anime and manga is purely a product of fantasy and fiction.

Does futanari exist in real life?

Yes. Futanari is the Japanese word for hermaphrodite, a person who possesses both male and female sex organs. It also used to refer to someone with androgynous looks, which is a more broad combination of male and female characteristics.

Are there futanari villages in japan or is it fiction?

Fiction. Originally the Japanese language referred to any character or real person that possessed masculine and feminine traits as futanari. This changed in the 1990s as drawn futanari characters became more popular in anime and manga. Today, the term commonly refers to fictional (drawn), female looking, hermaphrodite characters. Futanari is also used as the term for a specific genre within hentai related media (pornographic anime or manga) that depicts such characters

How does futanaria work?

"Futanaria" is a fictional concept involving characters with both male and female genitalia. It is typically featured in erotic art or stories. Futanaria does not have a basis in reality and is not a biological or medical phenomenon. It exists solely as a fantasy or niche genre in adult entertainment.

Do futanaria have real monster penises?

No. They are anime or they are wearing strap on appliances.

Why if unicorns are not freaking real then why are there so many pictures of unicorns are they fake too?

Yeah, pictures of unicorns are fake. A lot of the pictures are photoshopped.

Are penises real?

Yes, unless there has been an accident, every male has one.

What does slenderman do?

Not a thing. See, Slenderman is not real. It was a Photoshop hoax put on the internet.

Is boka a sokasoka?

penises and boobs are real,so yes boka is a soka soka

Is malboro blend no 420 real?

Nothing. Malboro Blend No. 420 is a photoshopped picture of a normal pack of Marlboro cigarettes, hoping to make a statement about the legalization of marijuana. The title "No. 420" is a reference to stoner culture.

Is there a real man with two penises?

Yes, there is a condition where a baby is born with two penises, but it is very rare, and they are usually sterile as adults.