Yes, there indeed are many leather Brand companies making new stylish holdall bags, especially for men. I always try to search for the best quality holdall bags with trendy designs & preferred online stores because most of the designer bags are available here at a reasonable price. Well, I would suggest all A1 FASHION GOODS where you can get your own choice of men's leather holdall.
Yes. Although the Coach website lists the messenger bags under the 'men' category, there are messenger bags specifically designed for women on the website.
The use of computer bags for women would be the same if men were using it. Computer bags carry your laptop and other devices. It is used by both genders.
Chanel makes fragrances specifically designed for women. In particular, their fragrances are designed to help women attract men with irresistible scents.
To show that women are as much capeable at the jobs as men
There are a variety of types of duffle bags both for men and women. These can include rolling, lightweight, expandable, carry-on, and leather duffle bags.
The iPhone 4 is not actually designed for men or women so it doesn't matter whether you are a man or a women.
Cologne can be designed for men or women, but it is usually aimed at men, so yes, cologne is for men.
J. Barbour and Sons have designed clothing and outer wear for men, women and children. They have lines for their quilted coats for men, women and children.
More females than males carry purses. Still, there are some purses designed to be used by either, and there are purses and other types of bags, like messenger bags, which are designed especially for men.
I'm pretty sure they were designed for use by women only.
Most Dior sunglasses are designed for women to wear but they do have a few models which are branded Dior Homme which are designed for men to wear.
Handbags for men may be purchased in any handbag retailer that also offer handbags for women and also school bags if that is a preferences well, it is easier to find all bags in one place.