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Q: Are herbal medicines beneficial to our health?
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Where is the storehouse of herbal medicines?

the storehouse of herbal medicines is the forests. We get many medicines from there.

How are herbal remedies and many modern medicines similar?

Often, herbal remedies can be tailored to perform a certain task in the body. This is rather similar to the concept of modern prescription medicine. In more general terms, herbal remedies and modern medicines are often recommended for improved health or vitality.

Are forest is an important source or medicine or drug?

Yes , because it is also good for your health and some of them are herbal medicines .

The use of herbal medicines is known as what in India?

The use of herbal medicines is known as what in India?PCH = Ayurveda

Thesis statement herbal medicine?

effectivity of herbal medicines to patients

What are consumer goals when using herbal medicines?

To obtain significant relief of symptoms or overall health without using pharmaceutical drugs.

Where you can find herbal medicines?

at the pharmacy

What are herbal medicines for spasm?

Tic Tamer

Why herbal medicines are useful to environment?

In many cases herbal medicines are better for the environment than synthetic pharmaceuticals. However, large amounts of herbal medicines could also have a damaging impact. While natural is preferable for many reasons in most instances, care should still be exercised when using herbal products.

In India the use of herbal medicines is known as?


What herbal medicines are considered drugs?

Marijuana is one.

What is herbal medicines for hepa b?

sampa sampalukan