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Sometimes. But not as openly. When it's right in front of them, absolutely.

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Q: Are girls obsessed with penis like boys are with breasts?
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Why all the physical change to the boys and girls happens during puberty?

Boys get hair on their penis, their penis and testes get larger. Boys and girls both get armpit hair and thicker leg hair. Girls develop breasts and get pubic hair. Girls also get their period

What are the expectations of girls about boys?

Boys have a penis a willy a winky and girls don't

What are the gender distinctions between boys and girls?

boys have a penis and girls have vagina's :)

What is the deference between girls and boys?

Boys have a Penis. Girls have a Vagina and Boobs.

Why do girls have breasts and boys don't?

they do girls jst grow there and we have shlongs

Why do you get breasts?

Girls develop breasts due to the hormones in their body. Usually, breasts are developed at the age of 10-13 They have different hormones to boys, which is why boys dont have breasts.

Will boys apreciate girls being natural?

Some boys appreciate girls being natural. This means that some boys prefer that girls not have fake breasts. This is true because some boys, or men, think that fake breasts aren't attractive.

What girls breasts are big?

Not all girls have big breasts. Well girls bodys difer then boys do. its just like extra skin....

What is the most common different s from boys and girls?

girls feed on breasts and dont have the same piens as boys

Why do you not have a penis?

Girls don't have penises. Girls and boys are different that way.

Is it normal for boys to wonder about girls' breasts?

Yes, very.

Do girls like boys that has hair on there penis?

If the girl likes you, she wont mind anything, yes boys have hair around their penis and girls have hair down there by their vagina