They had dangours riding, boring riding, and hugerer!
it is common for long mongs often called joe bate
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Because all the terrorist are trained there.
flirty, hot, and last but not least is dangours
Because cheese isn't just mold its milk and its been tested so we know its not dangours
Beacause it allows other people to listen to our calls and read or texts and its very dangours
Technically, there can be no official answer, but personally i think it's either Genghis Khan, Cyrus of Persia, or Saladin.
not really if u get to close to it it may feel threaten and attack but if u keep ur distance u should be ok
The reverse of the earths magnetism is not dangerous to humans as we do not rely on magnetism to guide us anymore. It will cause mass extinction of birds though.
This is more of an opinionated question, but in my opinion it depends on who is in the chatroom. It can be dangerous, as in, teaching you children bad words, but if your child is.... not smart enough to give out personal info, like age, address, or anything like than it could prove as a danger.