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Q: Are clone towns a good thing or a bad thing?
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What are good and bad things about human cloning?

The good thing is that you could use your clone for things you cant make time for. the bad thing is that someone might find out and you could get arrested.

Were clone troopers good guys in Star Wars?

The clone troopers are neither good nor bad, in the Star Wars franchise. While, they did bad things they were following their commanders orders and were not doing them out of evil intent..

Is cloning good thing or bad thing?

cloning is a very bad thing. in most cloning abilities one of the side effects is that the clone turns bad, half the world is after you and not to mention the clones will be verypowerful.To be very honest, I am against it, but if it is going to help world poverty, by for instance cloning really good food sources, or helping eradicate terrible diseases, then I am all for it

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Benefit is good thing. Its good compared to bad.

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A positive thing is good and a negative thing is bad .

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Because he is the original clone, so he still has some good in him, but he works for the bad.

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good thing

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It is a good thing.

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Bad And Good because he is the accualy person from all the troopers some say Cody is his brother i say no he was the first clone

What was good and bad about James-towns location?

James town river