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In that a filter on a cigarette captures some of the particles released when a cigarette is smoked, yes they are. However, filters are not effective at preventing harmful substances being inhaled, they merely reduce the amount of some of those substances.

To more precisely answer the question, they are not good for smokers.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

No, filter cigarettes are not harmless. All cigarettes are harmful, with or without filters. Don't smoke them.

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Q: Are cigarette filters good for smokers?
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What do smokers filter's look like?

Smokers' filters are usually made of porous material, like cellulose acetate, wrapped in paper. After use, cigarette filters are often stained with tar, nicotine, and other chemicals from the smoke. They may appear yellowish-brown or discolored due to the accumulation of toxins.

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In most opinions, no..Smokers are aware of the danger.

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No. There is no specific disease that only smokers get.

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Because there is a powerful, and highly addicted substance called nicotene that has the smokers wanting the cigarette, even though it kills them with each cigarette they smoke.

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Only if have the "smokers" package option

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becasue they or mouth will burn with out the fix

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If done correctly cigarette filters and the right mixture of acetone can make a glue. However, it is not labeled as being a good glue and does not adhere well.

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cellulose acetate

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Only Vue's that were order with the "smokers Package" came with cigarette lighters

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Out of 100% only 2 percent quit the smoking

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No, only those who buy cigarettes pay cigarette taxes (and it is possible for non-smokers to buy cigarettes, but they probably won't).

What is secondary smoke?

Secondary smoke is cigarette smoke non-smokers inhale from nearby smokers. See for more details.