not really, if u r cool and not scared try it some boys might think ur even better looking.
No.In my opinion,That's not a big deal.
yes she did get her braces off..
it depends..
Yes he got his braces off
No one can really understand boys. I know I can't. But if you think he really likes you and wants to know when you get your braces off, he's probably interested in your mouth; kissing that is. So he might want to kiss you!! Congrats!! And btw, you can kiss a guys while you have braces on...
no! realy big turn off also if they fight smoke its a realy big turn off
well they have to take that part of the braces off then they fill it and put it back on
Cut them off. LOL
Yes, Christian Beadles no longer has braces. His braces were taken off the beginning Of Feb 2011.
no, your fine with braces.
Niall Horan Is Getting His Braces Off In January(:
Austin got his braces off April 25th 2012.