its all in the gene pool
I have seen large strong men from all races scream like a 7th grade girl when confronted by a snake or a spider. It's all in how you define; 'tough'.
80 % of the black guys have dated white girls publicly or secretly.
it's ok to swallow sperm. I do it all the time with black guys. it's better to do it with black guys than white guys because black guys are more tasty than white guys. IF YOU ENJOY IT LIKE ME NEVER STOP DOING IT
There is no answer to this question really other than whatever your personal choice is. Everyone is different, some like black, some like white and then there are others that like something else completely. Your choice, you make it !
It is forbidden fruit. The mores of our culture are that races shouldn't intermingle. The contrast in skin colour can be erotic for some women as it is for the black guy. There is a belief that black guys, because they are black , are good in bed. Also, there is a widely held belief that, on average, black guys have longer, thicker penises than white guys and have more stamina.
Because white guys dick are huge and black guys dicks are smaller than asians dicks so they paint them white in the hope of getting a massive dick. PS. It works
Show him how tough you are :)
The world's strongest man is white. Powerlifting records are held almost exclusively by white men. To my knowledge, no black person has ever climbed Mount Everest. White people were the first to reach the North and South poles of the earth. Up until white people stopped competing as boxers, they were the world champions continuously. In the 2008 Ultimate Fighting Challenge black on white, and the black guy just got his butt kicked. Look form these names: Žydrūnas Savickas and Brock Lesnar Those are the two toughest guys in the world.
i think she likes tan guys by the way justin bieber is mean ik bc I'm his friend on fb he is nasty
Depends on the individual. Some black women like white men, some black women like black men. Generally, you tend to find a black woman with a black man. Hi! Well, I'm a Black girl and I like Latino and Asian guys more than Black guys, but some White guys are okay. I think theres a lack of trust between Black women and White guys, so theres not as many of those couples as other types. What I mean is, some Black women are raised to be suspiscious of White guys. We're taught that most White guys who would show interest in us would only use us for sex, or to be able to say he's "been with a Black chick" or something. So Black women who do like White guys are often not as open to admitting it. Still, there is a growing number of Black women who do! I'm in college and my friends who are Black do like White guys and some date them. I was unsure of the idea for a long time because I thought it would be awkward (even though I grew up in an all White city! lol), and there are others like me too. Bottom line is just yes and no. There are Black women who like Black men, and then there are those who like White men. Then, in my case, there are us who like Latino or Asian guys :)
There is no medical evidence that a black person will produce more semen than a white person or any other race for that matter. The amount of semen produced depends on many factors including how hydrated the person is, how much physical stimulation he has had and for how long, anatomical factors, etc. It is also a myth that a black penis is statistically longer or larger than a white mans penis. Multiple large surveys show that black vs. white penis size is almost identical.</P>
Overall, race is irrelevant. It is sometimes easier for White guys to talk to Black girls because Black folks tend to be outgoing, but seriously, no difference. For other guys, it may be harder to approach Black girls because of racism, peer pressure, or fear. For some guys, that very "outgoing" nature mentioned above might actually be a turnoff, and he may mistake it for aggression. It all depends on the specific guys and gals involved.In the greater scheme of things, it really doesn't matter what color of skin they have. It is their personality that matters.
Tougher Than Love was created in 1994.