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yes very good if you get stung by one you could have good luck for up to 12 months

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Q: Are bees good luck
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Is a swarm of bees good luck?

In many cultures, bees are considered to be good luck. Others believe that a swarm of bees on a house means that the house will soon catch fire and burn down.

How do you get rid of the bees in Sim's 2 castaway?

i think you have to harvest honey from the bee nest but i never tried it. good luck.

Are bees good luck in the work place?

No, lady bugs and on occasion crickets are considered lucky but I know of no other "lucky" bugs.

Are bees bad?

no. bees are good

Why are bees swarming my lawn mower?

my sister recently ran over a large Gardener snake with the mower, ever since bees have been hovering around it Bees have probably started building a nest in it some where. Get some good bee killer spray Waite till after dark and spray all over it. Then wash it the next day that should take care of the bees . Good luck.

Are Bumble Bees flying into your house good luck?

Folklore suggests that if a single bumble bee enters your home it is a sign of good luck on the way. It is also said that if a bumblebee buzzes at your window, a visitor is coming. If the tail is red it will be a male, and if white, it will be a female.

What is a good clue for my blue clue Idea bees?

I do not have a good clue for your blue clue Idea bees.

What good are ants and bees?

Bees do something with pollen that help the plants and ants I am unsure about (like flies) What good are flies?

Why do bees eat honey?

The reason why bees eat honey is because it taste good.

What is a good title for a poem of bees?

"Urine big trouble if you mess with them bees, boy"

What pesticides kill bees?

most insectiside will but before you kill them remember bees are good for your garden. Why would you want to kill bees?

Are bees good dancers?
