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Because they figure that the guy is probably easy to get along with and would do the job as being a man to them better then a ruff guy. You can find them by looking at any guy and use common sense I guess.

AnswerTry personal ads and internet chat rooms, especially those catering to "aggressive woman/sensitive men," or even "dominant woman/submissive men." AnswerI like my men submissive because I was abused as a young adult and now I want to make sure I am the dominant one in my relationships now. Yes feminine-sissy men are attractive to me. AnswerI am happily engaged to a pussy-whipped man. I am not sure if he is a sissy as in feminine. Maybe I should ask him to put on a pair of my panties and guage his reaction lol. Can a man be a sissy without being feminine? AnswerYes a man can be a sissy and not be feminine. If the man is docile, submissive, sexually submissive etc. he can be called a sissy and in this case that is a good thing. I am still a young woman and already most of the men I have dated were jerks. I would much prefer sissy-submissive to controling-abusive. Answer

Bisexuality or latent lesbianism applies to women who chase after exquisitely girly looking men, like ones who would look very convincing in drag, or Japanese rock stars. In Japan, girly looking men are considered supermodel attractive among women.

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the answer is no, technically you are bisexual with a female preference. i hope this helps