UMMM. It is about Zombies, so it i not very factual at all...
The movie is all about her life. it is very factual.
One could find advice and support regarding Bill Consolidation on websites such as the government websites, the factual website About, Wikipedia and Bankrate.
Informational text is a broader category that includes all types of text designed to convey information or provide knowledge, while factual text specifically refers to text that presents facts and information without opinions or interpretations. In other words, all factual texts are informational, but not all informational texts are strictly factual.
There's a site with ghost videos, if you're interested. I'm not sure if that's the name of the site though.
Information about Hugo Weaving is readily available online on websites such as IMDb, Wikipedia and Yahoo. There are a number of other websites and fansites that have information about him, but the aforementioned provide most relevant factual information.
Factual is an adjective.
Yes, factual is an adjective.
Factual writing is nonfiction.
One of the best websites to find information on security camera systems is They offer detailed, factual information and complete descriptions of cameras and equipment.