Jussi 69 (Jussi Vuori of 69 Eyes) is 44 years old (birthdate: July 11, 1972).
Jyrki = vocals Bazie = guitar Timo Timo = guitar Archzie = bass guitar Jussi = drums
Jyrki 69 was born on October 15, 1968.
Jyrki 69 was born on October 15, 1968.
Jussi 69 was born on July 11, 1972.
Jussi 69 was born on July 11, 1972.
Please do not circulate something that Jyrki has a child? Is this true? And there was sometimes Jyrki 69 is married or married? I'm from Czech Republic and so my English is not perfect. Thank you.
Jussi Heikki Tapio Vuori is the drummer for the 69 Eyes; he is also known as Jussi 69.
186 cm.
As of 12/2010 yes...
to satisfy the crowd
Yes...Just go to google and type in his name...they always come up.