Charley Hutton and Jo Coddington is not in a relationship as of May 2014. Jo was in a relationship with Boyd Coddington from 1996 until 2008.
Jo Coddington is from Phoenix, Arizona. Jo Coddington currently lives in La Habra, California and attended Paradise Valley High School.
As of June 2012, Jo Durie is not married, nor has she been listed as in a serious relationship.
Betty Jo Bradley was played by Linda Kaye . The role of Bobbie Jo Bradley was played by both Pat Woodell and Lori Saunders . Billie Jo Bradley had been played by Jeannine Riley , Gunilla Hutton and Meredith MacRae .
The following main characters are still alive : Betty Jo Bradley who was played by Linda Kaye ,Bobbie Jo Bradley who played by both Pat Woodell and Lori Saunders , Billie Jo Bradley who was played by both Jeannine Riley and Gunilla Hutton and last , Steve Elliott who was Mike Minor .
No Hugh Laurie is married to Jo Green
The cast of Looking Good - 1993 includes: Jo Bailey as Herself - Host Renee Ellis as Himself - Host Deborah Hutton as Herself - Host
Josie-Jo is Sam Westing's long-lost daughter. She discovers her true identity and relationship to Sam Westing by the end of the story in "The Westing Game."
If you mean the character Kendall Knight then he is dating the character Jo Taylor.
Jo Jo is a girl from dance moms. You might know her as Jo Jo with the bow bow.
The cast of Jo jo jo - 1996 includes: Alfredo Becerra
Jo Jo Laine died in 2006.
Jo Jo Barrett was born in 1943.