MDMA got you feelin like a champion, City never sleeps better slip you an ambien
Empire state of mind - Jay-Z
MDMA is an abbreviation for 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine which is one single chemical. (C11H15NO2) Just like Water is name for the chemical dihydrogenmonoxide. (chemical formula: H2O) Ecstasy is the name for 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA for short) (Chemical formula: C11H15NO2) They are their own chemicals. For example if someone gives you a bottle of alcohol and calls it water they are lying or they don't know what water is, just like if someone gives you something that isn't MDMA and call it Ecstasy, they are lying or they don't know what Ecstasy is.
If you are talking about physical addiction to MDMA, I don't think anyone will be able to. It's generally held that MDMA is not physically addictive. There are several stories on about people who are mentally addicted though. I know this is not exactly a picture of someone, but it should point you in the right direction
Mdma and ecstasy are not the same thing. Ecstasy is a combination with other drugs like piperzine, bzp, ampthetamines, pcp, etc and small or no parts of MDMA, (be careful with these pills). MDMA, is pure form of "ecstasy", that is usually given in powder or a capsule. It is said that MDMA pure lasts for about 2 hours max. while ecstasy pressed tablets last longer because of the other combinations.
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is also know as ecstacy. It should be noted that according to US law that it is illegal to use as it is considered a drug with high potential for addiction.
Nope! waste of money and will not compare to MDMA. The closest thing to MDMA is MDMC which can be bought on the internet. It is basically the exact same thing as extasy, but can be worse for you if you don't know what you are doing. I would suggest ordering some Methylone (MDMC) or go out and (illegally) buy MDMA. MDMA may be illegal, but is better for you then MDMC, although both are fairly harmless.
Speed generally refers to the impure, insufflatable (ie. you can snort or sniff it) form of the chemicals amphetamine or Methylamphetamine. Ecstasy to the chemical MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) which is generally sold in the form of a pill and taken orally. All of these drugs are classed as stimulants but there effects are different.
Ecstasy is the name for a pill which should contain only MDMA as it's active ingredient. Other ingredients include binders, fillers and colourings which make up the rest of the pill (usually about 1/3 - 1/2 of a good pill is ecstasy). Other ingredients which may be contained in an ecstasy pill which are active include MDEA and MDA, which are similar to ecstasy and are often included as byproducts of the synthesis, or intended ingredients. Caffiene, Piperazines, Amphetamines, DXM, Ketamine, PMA, Ephedrine, Codiene, Diazepam and a number of inactive substances may be put into a pill to simulate the effects of MDMA. This means that less actual MDMA has to be included, and so profit margins can be increased.
= Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, or 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine, or MDMA.=However, most ecstasy today is either low in MDMA or has no MDMA content. It is adulterated with a plethora of potentially dangerous substances. This is purely because the government has put a lot of restrictions on achieving the precursors to make the drug, so thus alternatives are undertaken by pill pressers and as a result dangerous non-MDMA drug cocktails are killing people.Essentially it is largely the government's fault.
Mollys don't do the same they r the same but not u know? The e has coke and stuff in it mollys r just pure MDMA u will fell good not not like u would on e
Do you know what ecstasy is? I am not trying to be mean or anything but that does not make sense. Let me give you a definition-ecstasy: An overwhelming feeling of happiness.That is what ecstasy is. Ecstasy cannot give you blood clots.Ecstasy in this case refers to the drug. Also known as MDA or MDMA in a slightly different form. Yes, it can give you blood clots. It was first developed by the Germans as a blood clotting agent. It can cause stroke and internal hemorrhage.
Originally ecstasy's main drug was MDMA(see MOLLY ) Terrible substance alone but now a days pure molly is hard to come by so drug dealers mix other drugs like meth or heroin along with MDMA. You'll never know the source and these "cooks" don't care what happens to you just as long as you buy! Stay away from ecstasy people!!!
Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, typically contains MDMA as the active ingredient. However, it is common for ecstasy pills to also contain other substances such as caffeine, amphetamines, or other synthetic drugs. Testing ecstasy before use is important to know its exact composition and avoid potential health risks.