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vestigial organ is for example"appendix"in human beings.another example is the"tail bone"in human beings.

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Q: Any structure that is reduced in function in a living organism but may have been used in an ancestor is known as a vestigial structure?
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What is the term for structure that has no use in an organism?

Vestigial StructureA vestigial structure is a structure that appears to no longer have a use in the body.

What is the term for a structure that has no use in an organisms?

Vestigial StructureA vestigial structure is a structure that appears to no longer have a use in the body.

What is the term for a functionless anatomical structure that is evidence of an organisms' evolutionary past?

The term is "vestigial structure." These structures are remnants from an organism's evolutionary history and no longer serve a function in the current organism. Examples include the human appendix or tailbone.

A type of homologous structure that remains in an organism through evolution but no longer serves any biological function?

Vestigial structure

What is the term for the structure that has no use for an organism?

Vestigial StructureA vestigial structure is a structure that appears to no longer have a use in the body.

Is the term for a structure that has no use in an organism?

Vestigial StructureA vestigial structure is a structure that appears to no longer have a use in the body.

What is the term used for a structure that has no use in an organism?

Vestigial StructureA vestigial structure is a structure that appears to no longer have a use in the body.

What is vestigial strucutures?

Vestigial structures are anatomical features in organisms that have lost their original function through evolution. These structures are remnants of ancestral traits that were once useful but are now reduced in size or no longer serve a purpose in the organism's current environment. Examples include the human appendix or the wings of flightless birds.

What do you call an organ that serves no useful function in an organism?

A vestigial organ. These are remnants of structures that had a purpose in ancestral species but have lost their original function in evolution.

Any structure that is reduced in function in a living organism but may have been used in an ancestor is known as?

One example would be the vermiform appendix in human bodies. The appendix is a vestigial organ of the digestive system, an organ that has reduced in size and has lost its original function throughout evolution. It is hypothosized that the human appendix are the remains of the cecum organ, a organ that aids in the digestion and breakdown of cellulose in plants. Since humans humans prefered to cook food, the use of the organ was dramatically lowered to a point that it was not needed.

Are cat whiskers a vestigial structure?

A vestigial structure is a structure that an organism still has but no longer serves any real definite purpose. In this case, the whiskers on a cat serve a vital purpose, so they are not vestigial structures.

What does a vestigial structure mean?

A vestigial structure is an anatomical feature that no longer serves a clear function in an organism, but is a remnant of a structure that was functional in its evolutionary ancestors. These structures are often reduced in size or complexity compared to the original functional structure.