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A material that can be harmful if not properly disposed of is hazardous.

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Q: Any material that can be harmful to human health or the environment if it is not properly disposed of is called-?
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Any material that can be harmful to human health or the environment if it is not properly disposed of is called?

Its commonly referred to as hazardous waste or toxic waste.

What are the effects of antifreeze on the environment?

Antifreeze can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. If released into the environment, it can contaminate water sources and harm aquatic life. It is important to follow proper disposal methods for antifreeze to protect the environment.

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Harmful elements found in batteries include lead, cadmium, mercury, and lithium. These elements can be toxic to humans and the environment if batteries are not disposed of properly. Recycling batteries is important to minimize the impact of these harmful elements on the environment.

Is Pentane harmful to the environment?

Yes, pentane is harmful to the environment. It is a volatile organic compound (VOC) that can contribute to air pollution and smog formation. In addition, pentane can also contaminate water and soil if not properly handled or disposed of.

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Use of disposable syringes and needles used in drug intake into the veins can be real risk and can pose a threat to others and are very harmful for the environment if not disposed properly.

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Yes, garbage can cause pollution when it is not disposed of properly. Improperly disposed garbage can release harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases into the environment, contaminating air, water, and soil. It is important to manage and dispose of garbage responsibly to reduce pollution.

Is antifreeze considered hazards waste?

Yes, antifreeze is considered hazardous waste because it contains toxic chemicals that are harmful to human health and the environment. It should be properly disposed of at a designated hazardous waste facility.

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Nail polish removers often contain harmful chemicals like acetone or ethyl acetate, which can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. When disposed of improperly, these chemicals can leach into the soil or waterways, causing pollution and harm to plants and wildlife. It's important to use nail polish removers mindfully and dispose of them properly at designated hazardous waste collection sites.

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Household chemicals such as bleach, pesticides, motor oil, and solvents can be harmful if not disposed of properly. These substances can contaminate water sources if poured down drains or into the soil, leading to water pollution and potential harm to aquatic life and ecosystems. It is important to always follow proper disposal guidelines for these hazardous household chemicals to protect the environment.

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Is glue a material that effects the environment?

Yes, glue can impact the environment if not disposed of properly. Glue may contain harmful chemicals that can leach into the soil and water, affecting ecosystems. It is important to use and dispose of glue in a responsible manner to minimize its environmental impact.