Yes, you can drink pure H2O without any negative effects on your health.
Does it have any negative effects on the health of the consumer? Depression is the second reported cause of disability worldwide, according to the WHO
There are a number of health, environmental and medical uses and effects of krypton. It is part of the atmosphere which serves the environment. However, excessive inhalation can cause serious health effects and possible death among other effects.
I could be wrong but I think boron is radioactive.
It's important to not have any side effects after taking medicine because it could create risk for your health.
Ben Johnson has not experienced any side effects from his use of steroids. He is now 48 years of age and in good health.
It will not harm you or have any negative effects on your health.
A health problem is a condition that represents a disease process or less than optimal health. It is any condition that effects a person's life in some way.
Any vitamin can be bad for your health if you over medicate with it. As long as you follow the instructions your doctor gives you there is little chance of any bad effects.
There are many positive effects on the body from drinking alcohol in moderation, including better health and greater longevity than abstaining from it.
Ill effects? What ill effects? Do you mean the ill effects on the health of those who consume imported fruit? Or do you mean the ill effects -- if there are any -- upon the economies of countries that import fruit? Assuming you mean bad effects upon the health of people who consume imported fruit, there are no bad effects if the fruit is wholesome. A nectarine from Chile is just as beneficial to your health as one from New Jersey. An apple a day from Australia will keep the doctor away just as effectively as one from Washington State. Avacados from Mexico are just as sabroso and saludable as those from Texas.