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Hell naw you mama wants to date you Hell naw you mama wants to date you Yea Whats Yhur NUmber I ll Suck Yhu Off if u wannabe my gf yeah

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Q: Any1 wants to be your gf?
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How to know your gf only wants you?

You know your girlfriend wants you when she is affectionate with you, wants to spend time with you, and loves you.

Why did your ex gf make you jeaoulous?

May be she wants to make you jealous. Or it might be she wants to hurt you.

How can you get your gf to give you oral?

If she wants to do it, she will do it. Do not pressure her to do something she doesn't want to do.

What does it mean when your ex says he still see you as his gf?

He misses you and wants you back.

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He got fed up with his gf, so he wants yo back. Maybe he wants to show u his new gf... kind of like rub it in your face :/ ooooor he might want to get with u again... but that's pretty low.. inviting ur x to ur gfs party then getting with her :/

Who Aston merry gold gilrfriend?

he hasent got one he is single but he wants one and him and oriste are single and Marvin gf is Frankie from the saturdays and thinking of moving in together and jb has a gf chole tangney

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break up with their butt

What does it mean when your ex give you his number and tell you to call him?

He wants you back as his gf. Or he's just being friendly.

Why does Bella love edwerd?

Just cause he's hot and he's her gf and she wants to become a vampire. SAH

What is proper clothing to wear at office administration?

He wears whatever he wants to wear but it has to be confoterbul in it his gf : Amy adame

What does a guy usually do when he wants to break up with his current gf for you Does he ask you if you like him if so what should you say?

tell him the truth...

What does it mean when a boy says where do you stand?

Sounds like he's trying to get you to define your relationship. If so he prolly wants you to be his gf.