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Q: Andy has been feeling depressed for the last three months. He cannot find an obvious reason for it. What should he do?
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I'm 17 and have been super depressed and upset about wanting a baby the past 6months. Anybody got any suggestions on what I can and should do?

Most women become pregnant within 6 months of trying, so it's understandable that you might feel disappointed if you have not yet fallen pregnant. If you are feeling depressed, it would be in your best interest to see a doctor or therapist.

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No, they cannot. There are no separate strains to encounter. However, shingles have been known to recur over intervals of months to years, with no obvious stimulus.

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Yes, he was been diagnosed with depression for the past five months now.

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I think you do, in your first few months of pregnancy, once you hit 5,6 months you feel full of energy as you approch 8 months you start feeling tired again I think you do, in your first few months of pregnancy, once you hit 5,6 months you feel full of energy as you approch 8 months you start feeling tired again

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Not unless your are in your second trimester. Outward and obvious signs of pregnancy do not start until a woman is at least three months pregnant. Only a doctor or pregnancy test can accurately indicate whether you are pregnant in the first few months. Missing a period is a first sign....missing two is highly indicative.

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Let your mum know how the job is making you feel. It is better to deal with a bit of your mum's anger, temporarily, than to go on feeling really stressed and depressed. Another option is to let your employer know that you can't work as many hours, as you currently are, and see how this works out.

Symptoms of binge eating disorder?

Loss of control over amount of eating, marked distress over a binge episode, occuring at least once a week for 3 months, eating more rapidly than normal (i.e. 2 hr period), eating until feeling uncomfortably full, eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry, eating alone because of being embarrassed by how much you're eating, & feeling disgusted with yourself, depressed, or very guilty over after overeating.

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well the song possibility by Lykke Li is played when the months are passing and Bella is depressed)

How long was Bella depressed?

Bella is depicted as being depressed for several months after Edward leaves her in the novel "New Moon" by Stephenie Meyer. She begins to recover when she becomes closer to her friend Jacob Black.

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But don't worry because the doctors said that she will be out and about in a few months!!

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its obvious he loves you or either he's desprate