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Q: An outline shows the relationship between the main idea and supporting details?
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Related questions

How can you make an outline for one paragraph?

Use your topic sentence as the main idea of your outline and use the details from the supporting sentences.

What is the primary advantage to using a topic outline?

A topic outline helps organize information in a hierarchical structure, making it easier to see the main ideas and supporting details of a piece of writing. It also provides a clear visual representation of the relationship between different topics or sections.

Is part of an outline indented supporting details numbers to label each line of the outline Roman numerals for supporting ideas one item listed under each main idea?

The supporting points to your arguments are listed as sub-points of each of your three main arguments. Keep in mind it's an outline so don't go into too much detail.

What is the relationship between an outline of a personal essay and the actual essay?

The outline is the bare-bones "template" that's used to write the essay.

What is working outline?

A working outline is a preliminary organizational structure that helps you plan the flow and content of your writing project. It typically includes main ideas, subtopics, and supporting details. This outline can be adjusted and refined as you conduct research and develop your ideas further.

What is the relationship between of an outline of a personal essay?

between a skeleton n a human body

What elements of an essay represent the backbone that you use as the basis of an outline?

The thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting details, and conclusion are the key elements of an essay that form the backbone for an outline. These elements outline the main argument, the supporting points, and the overall structure of the essay.

What is the difference between an outline and a contour line?

The difference between an outline and a contour line is location. An outline is used to draw the outermost form on an object, while a contour line is used to depict details inside the form of an object.

Is a scratch list an outline?

No, a scratch list is not an outline. A scratch list is simply a list of items or ideas quickly jotted down without any specific order or organization. An outline, on the other hand, is a structured plan that organizes and outlines main points and supporting details in a logical sequence.

What is the difference between informal outline and modified outline?

An informal outline is a rough sketch of main ideas and supporting details, often in list form, used to organize thoughts before writing. A modified outline is a more detailed version that includes headings, subheadings, and even sentences or phrases to guide the structure and content of a written document. Modified outlines are typically more formal and comprehensive than informal outlines.

The details in an outline are marked by?

The details in an outline are typically marked by indented subheadings or bullet points. These details provide specific information that supports the main points or ideas presented in the outline.

An outline may consist of either phrases topics or sentences?

An outline can consist of either phrases, topics, or sentences arranged in a structured format to organize and plan the content of a piece of writing or a presentation. It helps to outline the main ideas and supporting details in a logical order before developing the final work.