bug bites
it is 17*C for any person who doesn't know
The person has consumed a total of 11,181.3 gallons of liquid over the past 17 years by drinking an average of 1.86 liters every day since 1987.
The average person will keep their car for 17.46 years. The average car lasts about three years longer than that, but around 30% will sell their car. That's why it's brought down to 17 years.
There is no mode average. The median average = the mean average = (-2 + 17) ÷ 2 = 7½ = 7.5
On average, a person spends about 17 hours per year searching for parking spots. This can vary based on location, time of day, and other factors.
Average = 13
That would average 17 per minute
The first kiss ranges from person to person although the average first kiss of girls (and boys) are in the teenage state - 15 to 17 years old.
The average is 18.
The average is 19.
The average is 17.