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Q: An action that could create a serious problems would be opening a can of what?
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What is an artificial opening?

An artificial opening is an opening in the body that has been created by a health care provider. It is not a natural opening. For example, in rare serious emegency sutuations, a paramedic or a physician may have to create an artificial opening in the neck so that the patient can breathe. This is called a tracheostomy. By law, only paramedics and physicians can perform this procedure.

What are the health problems a smoking teen may create?

There are many health problems that can be related to smoking as a teen. One of the most serious is the increase risk of cancer, including lung cancer.

Why is it important to take action?

Taking action is important because it helps us move from just thinking or talking about a problem to actually addressing it. Action can create change, solve problems, and lead to progress. It is through action that we can make a positive impact on our lives and the world around us.

Is create an action word?

Yes it is an action verb

What factors create serious social problems for the republic?

Factors such as political instability, economic inequality, ethnic tensions, corruption, and lack of access to education and healthcare can contribute to serious social problems within a republic. These issues can lead to social unrest, violence, and a breakdown of social cohesion, ultimately impacting the well-being and stability of the society.

What is it called when you create a permant opening in the abdomen?


In what ways does Edgar Allan Poe create mood in the opening stanza of The Raven?

the narrot creates mood by opening up with the windows opening

How hard must you hit plexus solaris to create pain?

It's really not advised to target the solar plexus as this can cause serious problems for the heart or lungs and sometimes may lead to death.

Why does curare create an action potential?

Curare does NOT create an action potential. It binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (which are primarily excitatory), and prevents the formation of an action potential.

Was America sure japan would surrender?

Well, japan and America were both racing to create an atomic bomb, so if they didn't surrender after the bombs were dropped, America would have had some serious problems.

What will happen if problems are not promptly solved?

Problems that are not promptly solved create more problems.

How does this action create wind?

Wind is created by the movement of air molecules. When an action, like waving your hand, displaces air, it can set off a chain reaction of air molecules moving in response. This movement creates airflow, which we feel as wind.