If your doctor or mid-wife have said there's nothing to worry about, accept their diagnosis and concentrate on staying calm. You stressing out for no reason will 'transmit' your anxiety to the foetus !
If you have been having regular sex at the corerect time of the month, don't worry but you both need to get checked out.
Ethier your most likely Pregnant or you should get that checked out
I am 27 weeks pregnant and am having same problem I went to the dr today comes to find out I had a yeast infection so u should get it checked out incase u have one to
Yes you should get it checked out
take him/her to the hospital to get checked out
yes, you could be pregnant. you should go to your local family planning to get checked out. they usually do not charge much if anything at all. its important not to ignore this, because you could have even been pregnant and had a miscarriage since you are cramping.
If you are pregnant you won't have it and not sure why you would want to.
If you are having a regular period, you are not pregnant.
Bleeding while pregnant is not usually a good sign. you should get her checked at the vets to make sure everything is alright.
take him/her to the hospital to get checked out
No indeed!! It shouldn't be leaking at anytime you are prego. Get checked out immediately!!!