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Q: Alternate name for the peroneal nerve?
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What major nerve serves the lateral leg and foot?

deep peroneal nerve from the common peroneal never

The sciatic nerve is composed of what two nerves?

the common peroneal nerve and the tibial nerve:Common Peroneal Nerve, comprised of nerve fibers from L5, S1, S2, and S3.Tibial Nerve comprised of nerve fibers from L4, L5, S1, S2 and S3)

Which nerve supplies the peroneus brevis and longus muscles?

superficial peroneal nerve

Does the Peroneal nerve serve muscles of the chest shoulder arm leg or abdomen?

Peroneal nerve serve the peroneal muscles of leg. It can be palpated at the neck of Fibula bone. This copartment is situated lateral to the anterior border of Tibia bone.

Which nerve roots make up the sciatic nerve?

The sciatic nerve is a combination of the common fibular (peroneal) nerve and the tibial nerve.

To avoid peroneal nerve damage do not place ice where?

Outside of the knee....

What is the corresponding nerve in upper limb as deep peroneal nerve in lower limb?

profunda humerus artery

Nerve supply of the tibialis anterior muscle?

deep peroneal nerve supplies the tibialis anterior muscle

What nerves innervate the muscles of the calf?

Mainly tibial nerve, and superficial peroneal

What is the difference between foot drop due to sciatic nerve injury and common peroneal nerve injury?

no difference except for the sensory supply. if you damage your sciatic nerve, the sensory and muscle supply above the knee also lost as the sciatic nerve is damage. This is because common peroneal nerve is the brach of sciatic and it is at level of your knee. Only muscle and sensory below the knee level will be affected if you damage the common peroneal nerve. However the condition of foot drop would be the same

What is the motor point of a nerve?

The nerve motor points is a large muscle mass of shoulders, arms, and legs, striking with leg or hand. Some types of nerve points are superficial peroneal nerve motor point, tibial nerve motor point, common peroneal nerve motor point, and femoral nerve motor point.

Which muscle compartment is involved in eversion joint movement?

Peroneal group of muscles are involved in eversion joint movement. This compartment lies lateral side of leg. These muscles are supplied by common peroneal nerve.