yea alcohol can kill you if you drink to much and of yes toxic poison can kill you and with alcohol can get you bad and get you to hit people and toxic poison you just die like BOOM like you drink it u die in one second
Yes. Anything taken to excess can be a toxic poison. This even includes things essential to life such as salt, oxygen and water. "The poison is in the dosage." Drunk drivers with high BAC are routinely taken to the emergency room for observation.
Yes. Anything taken to excess can be a toxic poison. This even includes things essential to life such as salt, oxygen and water. "The poison is in the dosage." Drunk drivers with high BAC are routinely taken to the emergency room for observation.
Alcohol, in addition to being a drug in all senses of the word, is a neurotoxin (nerve poison).
This is an absolute NO NO. Metho is toxic and poison. it will KILL it. don't do it.
Yes, ant poison can be toxic to cats and can potentially be fatal if ingested. It is important to keep ant poison and other toxic substances out of reach of pets to prevent accidental ingestion.
They use their poison to kill animals that try to eat them. Poison dart frogs are highly toxic.
no the alchohol is toxic and will kill it
Yes, it's toxic to all tissue.
Poison is poison!
Alcohol poisoning occurs when someone consumes a toxic amount of alcohol in a short period, leading to a dangerously high blood alcohol level. This can result in symptoms like confusion, vomiting, seizures, slow breathing, and unconsciousness. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention to prevent severe complications or death.
Toxic and poison are often used interchangeably, but technically toxic refers to things that can cause harm through contact or ingestion, while poison specifically refers to substances that are harmful when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed. The danger of each depends on the specific substance and the level of exposure.
its a horrible liquid poison it burns humen skin and can kill eny living creature