A supernova.supernova
Shift to a seller's market.
Heat Cycle Suddenly StopsIncreased AppetitePink, Prominent NipplesIncreased SleepingVomitingA Firm Abdomen"Nesting" BehaviorsMore Affectionate BehaviorsMore Frequent Urination
it would probably go down
Shift to a seller's market.
Shift to a seller's market.
Shift to a seller's market.
probably it would burst and die
You Would Encounter A Feeling Of Enormous Weight And People Screaming
If the temperature range suddenly increased, it could lead to more extreme weather events like heatwaves, storms, and droughts. This could have negative impacts on ecosystems, agriculture, and human health. Additionally, it could also accelerate the melting of polar ice caps and contribute to sea level rise.
words that tell how a story ended: * abruptly * suddenly * in an open ended manner * predictably * dramatically * unpredictably * sadly * happily * negatively * positively * confusing * inconclusively * creatively
No, increasing the pressure of a liquid actually raises its boiling point. This is because higher pressure increases the kinetic energy required for molecules to escape the liquid phase and enter the gas phase, which raises the temperature needed for boiling to occur.