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Q: Active immunity is obtained when a person is exposed to what?
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When does active immunity occur?

Active immunity will generally occur when a person is exposed to pathogens. This will happen when a disease develops as a result of agents that cause diseases.

Passive immunity is different from active immunity because passive immunity?

is temporary and does not involve the individual’s immune system producing antibodies. Instead, passive immunity provides ready-made antibodies obtained from another source, such as through injection of antibodies or transfer of antibodies from mother to fetus.

What is the acquired immunity that results when a person has a disease is?

The response to infections is active or cellular immunity. Acquired immunity

Explain how vaccines help in combating diseases?

Immunity to a disease is achieved through the presence of antibodies to that disease in a person's system. Antibodies are proteins produced by the body to neutralize or destroy toxins or disease-carrying organisms. Antibodies are disease-specific. For example, measles antibody will protect a person who is exposed to measles disease, but will have no effect if he or she is exposed to mumps. There are two types of immunity: active and passive. Active Immunity Active immunity results when exposure to a disease organism triggers the immune system to produce antibodies to that disease. Exposure to the disease organism can occur through infection with the actual disease (resulting in natural immunity), or introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination (vaccine-induced immunity). Either way, if an immune person comes into contact with that disease in the future, their immune system will recognize it and immediately produce the antibodies needed to fight it. Active immunity is long-lasting, and sometimes life-long.

What are two ways in which active immunity can be acquired?

Active immunity can be acquired through natural exposure to an infectious agent, which triggers the body's immune response to produce antibodies. It can also be acquired through vaccination, where the immune system is exposed to a weakened or inactivated form of the pathogen, leading to the production of antibodies without causing illness.

What is meant by the term active immunity?

Active immunity is of two kinds: Natural active immunity: This is acquired when a pathogen enters the body and immune response occurs. This is stored by the memory cells and eliminates the pathogen for the second time as soon as it enters the body. Acquired active immunity: This artificial and it is induced through a artificial source like vaccines.

A person who has recovered from mumps is protected from contracting the disease by?

Active immunity.

What is positive immunity?

If a person's immune system is producing antibodies against a specific antigen, then that person has a positive or active immunity toward that antigen. If a person has merely been injected with antibodies but does not produce them, that is a passive immunity.

What type of immunity are antibodies given to a person?

Artificially acquired Active- vaccines (active or live viruses that are lifelong immunity) Artificially acquired Passive - gamma globulin injection that is temporary (used for overseas trips)

What is the difference in producing your own antibodies and getting them from another source?

Producing your own antibodies is Active Immunity because you are self acquiring the immunity. When immunity is passed from one person to another, such as from a mother her baby, it is called Passive Immunity.

When a person receives an immunization or vaccine with killed or weakend organisms the result is natural active immunity?


Does active immunity involve a person becoming immune to a pathogen as a result of having a disease?

by vaccination