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Q: A substance that is used to cure or treat an illness or injury is called a?
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What is the importance of medicine?

To prevent and treat illness or injury.

What kind of work does a physician do?

"Physician" is another word for doctor. Physicians treat illness or injury.

Does workmans comp cover missed time from work due to medication illness to treat injury from work?


Why is first aid used?

First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury.

What is the process of transferring blood from one body to another called?

The process of transferring blood from one body to another is called blood transfusion. It is done to replace blood that has been lost due to surgery, injury, or illness, or to treat certain medical conditions.

What can you do with illness?

Treat it

Where can you treat a reperfusion injury?

You can treat a reperfusion injury at the hospital. Treating this injury requires professional medical attention so you would not acquire an infection.

Who are the people call psychologists?

Who are the people that call psychologists?Patients.Who are the people called psychologists?They treat mental illness.

What is the best definition of the term DRUG?

A drug is a substance that has a physiological effect when introduced into the body, altering its function or structure. Drugs can be used for medicinal purposes to treat illness, or recreationally for their psychoactive effects.

What could cause chicken to have seizures And what should I do to help chicken?

Seizures are usually a sign of injury or illness. You would need to take it to a farm vet to find out the cause before you can treat it.

How do you treat illness?

go to the doctors

Exatly drugs for mental illness?

Mood stabilizer medication, which is used to treat bipolar illness, has able to exactly replace a missing brain enzyme to treat mental illness.