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weight bearing physical activity

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Q: A physical activity that imparts a load or impact on the skeleton?
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How can physical activity choices impact your life as an adolescent?

To keep fit and healthy. Why else?

Influences skeleton proportions and adolescent growth of long bones?

Nutrition, genetics, hormonal balance, and physical activity can all influence the skeleton proportions and growth of long bones during adolescence. Proper nutrition and hormonal balance are essential for healthy bone development, while genetics can play a significant role in determining an individual's bone structure. Physical activity, especially weight-bearing exercises, can also impact bone growth by stimulating bone formation and strength.

How does physical activity impact a person's likelihood of developing a disease?

Physical activity does have an impact on the likelihood of one to develop a disease but it depends on the type of disease. Performing exercises such as running, swimming or aerobic dance can reduce the risk of developing certain heart diseases and joint diseases but in the case of some cancers or hereditary diseases physical activity is not helpful in reducing the likelihood.

Is the community where you live considered an external influence on physical activity true or false?

True. The community environment where one lives can greatly impact their physical activity levels. Factors like access to parks, sidewalks, recreational facilities, and safe neighborhoods can influence the likelihood of engaging in physical activity.

Can social connections influence physical activity habits?

Yes, social connections can significantly impact physical activity. People are more likely to engage in regular exercise when they have social support or workout partners, fostering accountability and motivation.

What is the impact of having a faulty skeleton?

Booby shells

What impact does physical activity have on the mind?

it relaxes your mind and body and lowers levels of stress ,their are other benefits such as self satisfactory as you will look and feel better about yourself

How are physical development and activity related to a child's self concept?

Physical development and activity can positively impact a child's self-concept by fostering feelings of competence, confidence, and achievement. Engaging in physical activities can help children develop skills, build strength and coordination, and improve their body image, leading to a more positive self-perception. Additionally, physical activity can provide opportunities for social interaction, teamwork, and leadership, which can further enhance a child's self-concept.

What is the scariest part in story three skeleton key and what gave it such impact?

the rats

What impact does physical activity have on the minds health?

it relaxes your mind and body and lowers levels of stress ,their are other benefits such as self satisfactory as you will look and feel better about yourself

How is physical exercise and activity important for positive mental and physical health in children?

Both children and adults benefit from exercise and activity in both their mental and physical health. Physically, exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight, strengthens bones and muscles, and is good for heart health. Mental benefits of exercise are stress reduction and the release of endorphins which have a positive impact on the emotions.

What is the impact factor of Physical Review Letters?

The impact factor of Physical Review Letters is 8.839.