Single and ready to mingle!
Or better known as single and ready for a pringle.
There are probably many words for this kind of person, but the first one that comes to mind is "extrovert."
Pray for others, read from the Bible to others, preach to others, be friendly, follow all Biblical laws, be devout, let others see how you act, don't boast, be humble, love others
The closest I could find were "Haimish," homelike, friendly, folksy; or "mensch:" a decent or upright man.
The best thing about a job is getting paid for doing something a person loves to do anyway. For example, a person who loves to exercise will love a job teaching others how to exercise.
A person who loves to see themselves in the mirror is often referred to as a narcissist. This behavior may stem from an excessive focus on oneself and a desire for admiration and validation from others.
You is. You is a person who loves phrases
Obtuse Condescending Patronizing Antagonistic Naysayer
I personally think it is Sam because she loves to inflict pain on others such as Freddy and Gibby
I'm sure he is a very friendly guy and loves all his fans but he looks like the kind of person who dislikes being crowded by fans
If the person you loves get married you will have to die that is true
if in class he keeps looking at you and he always starts the conversations then he most probably loves you
Depending on degree: either bully or sadist. Either is not someone you want to be around.