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Q: A patient has had a stroke and has a right-sided weakness which side should you assist from?
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What's true in regards to dressing a patient with weakness or paralysis?

In regard to dressing a patient with weakness or paralysis, there are certain procedures you should observe.First, without fail, learn what the person can do for themselves and let them do it, even if it takes extra time. A patient should never be treated like a child or doll that we dress and undress. Maintain their independence, no matter how small it might be. Same for bathing.Help most with the affected arm or leg. Teach ways the person can do more themselves.Assist as needed, but don't assume the person cannot do things.Remember the affected side still needs exercise. Help with passive or assisted Range of Motion (ROM).Remember that abilities can fluctuate day to day. Assist when needed. ASK "do you need help" rather than jumping in.

What was the weakness of the Roman god Neptune?

He was a god, why should he have weaknesses? OKAY, he DOES have one! his weakness is..... ASK.COM

What should be a weakness for modeling?

You have to keep being skinny

When patient files are pulled in preparation for patient hours. describe four major items each file should be checked for?

They should be checked for accuracy, the name of the patient, the insurance of the patient, and the medical history. These help to ensure that the patient is properly taken care of.

Should a hypoglycemic patient take insulin?

A hypoglycemic patient should not use insulin. It will drop his glucose even further.

What happens when you administer first aid without certification?

Nothing really. If you've done your best and tried to assist the patient, and used common sense, all should be well. Remember your Hippocrates: Primum non nocere -- First, do no harm.

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Always be an assist or mercenary

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They should definitely be patient!!!

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To help people find the weakness of the algorithm

If a patient asks a doctor to only contact her at work should the doctor honor that request?

Yes, I think that a doctor should acknowledge and honor just about anything a patient says. If the patient is ignored or feels ignored, then the doctor needs to try to help the patient so they can keep the patient with his/her services. I have had a patient that threatened to sue the hospital because I called her to late at night. All patients should be Honored and Respected. J. Idol, MD Neurologist NC

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Should i wait for an answer from you?

Always be patient young padowan