Rennin, it was one of my science questions :-)
Once you boil the enzyme, it will be inactivated. Milk will have no effects of the enzyme.
Rennin, it helps with digestion of milk during infancy and childhood
lipase enzyme
Yes; Lactase is an enzyme (protein) that breaks down the sugar lactose found in milk.
Children possess enzymes called rennin and lactase that help digest milk proteins. Rennin aids in breaking down casein, a milk protein, while lactase helps digest lactose, a sugar found in milk. These enzymes are vital for the proper digestion of milk and dairy products in children.
The enzyme lactose.Lactose.
Lactose is a disaccharide sugar found in milk. It is not an enzyme but rather a substrate that is broken down by the enzyme lactase into glucose and galactose for absorption in the intestines.
The phosphatase test in milk measures the amount of phosphatase enzyme in the milk. The phosphatase enzyme should be inactivated by pasteurisation. If the phosphatase test is not negative, there is a problem with pasteurisation or recontamination with unpasteurised milk.