What can be 'annoying' to one person may not be annoying to another person. So it is impossible to answer the question.
A sharp wit is a metaphor for a clever person.
You get some one annoying.
Examples of synonyms (nouns) for 'a person who is annoying' are:annoyancenuisancepestloudmouthknow-it-allaggravation
Well you ask them to let you have some space or tell someone (maybe the annoying person's parents) that the said annoying person is a stalker.
If the person is annoying to you she or he is but if not they are not annoying they are not annoying at all. personally i have experience sitting next to an annoying friend called Travers, Georgie
It is difficult to state how a person can not be annoying depending on what it is about the person that has become annoying. There are a few options, and one would be to try and speak to the person in a reasonable manner to explain what one finds annoying. Some things that can assist a person are to respect boundaries, being humble and learning to listen.
An annoying person is often referred to as a "nuisance" or a "pain."
a person that is annoying
Chris Watson