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Q: A housewife has not left her home in years because she is afraid of public places?
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What type of conflict is illustrated by this scenario A housewife has not left her home in years because she is afraid of public places?

Individual vs. Self

What type of conflict is illustrated by this scenario A housewife has not left her home in years because she is afraid of public placesA housewife has not left her home in years because she is afraid?

Individual vs. Self

What is a goraphobic?

Goraphobic means suffering from agoraphobia; abnormally afraid of open or public places

What does agoraphobe mean?

Well, agoraphobic is when you are afraid of being in public, open places and crowds.

What does this mean when a guy sends you a lot of messages but doesn't talk to you in public and school?

it means that he likes you very much but he is afraid of talking to you in public because he might be afraid that his friends will tease him or it will spread to the whole school

Why was African American families allowed to go to public school?

Because they were black and people were afraid of them because they were so strong

Why people should not smoke in public places in America?

Because in many places it is against the law.

Why is the biotech industry afraid of labeling GMO's?

They are afraid of labeling them because the public is starting to get afraid of the affects of GM foods on their bodies. Labeling them would make the public aware, and since a huge percentage of American foods contain GMOs, businesses could lose tons of money.

Reasons for allowing skateboarding in public places in Michigan?

Because Its BEAST! Because Its BEAST!

Should smoking be alloud in public places?

No, smoking should not be allowed in public places. Mainly because not everyone is a smoker. People who do not smoke, should not have to be around it if they do not want to be.

What term means afraid to leave your house?

Agoraphobia. It is the fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.

Why are public storm signals raised in places that might be affected by a typhoon?

it is because