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They're probably something called Afte, and they're caused by a virus. Not much to do about them, they usually heal within 10-14 days.

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Q: A few days ago i bit my mouth and the day after 1 blister came a few days later 4 blisters came out and noq i have part of my lip with blisterswhat do you think i should do?
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How does Blister agent effects on the body?

A blister agent is a severe contact irritant. They cause severe chemical burns to any exposed tissue, resulting in large water-filled blisters forming on the affected tissue. Most blister agents are both contact and inhalation hazards. If inhaled, they can cause death shortly after exposure, as the lungs and throat quickly burn and fill with blisters, inhibiting breathing. Alternately, these blister burst, filling the lungs with fluid. Death from inhalation of a blister agent can vary from minutes to several days later, depending on the amount of exposure (the more, the quicker the death). Contact with the outer skin is much less fatal, though extremely painful. Fatalities are usually the result of infection and sepsis from the burst blister wounds.

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It sounds like herpes. Maybe type 1.

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Is it normal for a small hole to appear in the gum at the back of your mouth and a blood blister to appear next to it a few days later?

No, that is not normal. You should be examined by a dentist.

Does small pox have blisters with scabs?

Most chickenpox lesions develop scabs. An exception can occur in patients previously vaccinated for chickenpox who get mild "breakthrough" chickenpox. These patient' chickenpox sores and blisters may never scab over but may simply disappear. The blister forms then turns later turns into a scab and eventually heals. Even the tiny little blisters form a small scab that is sometimes barely noticable. Whatever you do do not pick at the blisters it can get infected, remember they are not pimples and you won't accelerate the healig process by doing this. If you have an excess of yellow pus it may already be infected and you need to see a doctor who can prescribe antibiotics for this secondary infection. Generally the scab leaves a scar that may take about 12 months to go away. Use vitamin E on them and you can reduce the effect of the scars sooner.

What is a delayed onset of blisters and a dry unproductive cough that later turns productive?


You cut your sons hair 6 weeks ago and there was a red blister on his scalp Days later the blister was flat and lighter pink so it was going away Today 3 new ones appeared What is it?


How do you get rid of a blister on my finger?

You get a needle and hold it over a candle or fire and when it gets really hot pop the blister. The heat is to get the needle sterile. If the blister is in a high-use location, like inside the hand, you can prevent it from tearing open later by inserting the sterilized needle BESIDE the blister and coming up from the underside into the blister, then squeezing the blood or fluid out that way. The top layer of skin lays flat and can actually bond back together instead of splitting open. Good luck!

What chemical agent can delayed of blisters and a dry productive cough that later turns productive?

This is the mustard gas (C4H8Cl2S).

A group of people are presenting with a delayed onset of blisters and a dry productive cough that later turns productive. What is the likely culprit?


What if the wart don't fall off after being froze?

You will find after a wart being frozen, a blister begins to form in about 3 to 6 hours. Within 2 to 3 days the blister will flatten out. Later, in about 2 to 4 weeks the dead skin of the blister will proceed to fall off.

How bad is a sunburn when you get blisters?

Its a 2nd degree burn...It will heal. Try and wear sunscreen and cover the area when going out. Put burn ointment and Neosporin on the wound. Try to always keep it moist...and don't pop the blisters or peel...this will cause permanent damage to your skin. Hey a second degree burn is worse you get that from fire