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No,I wish it did, but it does not. Usually only 20 min. after injury.

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Q: 5 days after an injury does ice still reduce swelling?
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How many days should you take ibuprofen to reduce swelling in an ankle injury?

Ibuprofen is for pain or fever. It will not reduce the swelling much from an injury, as that is not an inflammatory process.

What is the purpose of leg elevation and ice?

To reduce swelling. Ice will work up to the first 24 hours of injury and you should elevate the injured area above the heart for a few days.

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The time an injury takes to heal depends on how severe the injury is. However, it will usually take anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks. Keep cool compresses on the area to reduce swelling as well as taking Ibuprofen. Also, use warm compresses to help with pain.

Is it normal to have pain and swelling in the face three to four days after a filling?

yes, it is normal. but you can reduce it by using ice packs

Di i needto go to the er with swelling knee pain?

first it depends on how long is youn knee pain? if it is for a few days try the simple ice pack( to reduce swelling) then household aspirin which is an anti-inflammatory..if this doesnt work and it last longer than a should go check it could be rheuma, or gout or another form of could also be caused by an injury...LLoYdsTar26, RN,MAN first it depends on how long is youn knee pain? if it is for a few days try the simple ice pack( to reduce swelling) then household aspirin which is an anti-inflammatory..if this doesnt work and it last longer than a should go check it could be rheuma, or gout or another form of could also be caused by an injury...LLoYdsTar26, RN,MAN first it depends on how long is youn knee pain? if it is for a few days try the simple ice pack( to reduce swelling) then household aspirin which is an anti-inflammatory..if this doesnt work and it last longer than a should go check it could be rheuma, or gout or another form of could also be caused by an injury...LLoYdsTar26, RN,MAN

What should I do I popped my bee sting and there is still a big bump there?

The swelling usually subsides in two days.

You had all your teeth pulled 4 days ago and you are still very swollen how long will the swelling last?

Following tooth extraction swelling can last up to a week.

What is numbness in right thumb and index finger mean?

You may have overused the muscle and tendons. Use rest, ice and heat for a few days to reduce the swelling.

What is the general guideline used to help determine when you should see a doctor following a bone or joint injury?

It is recommended to seek medical attention if you experience severe pain, inability to bear weight or use the injured area, deformity, swelling, or numbness/tingling. If you suspect a fracture or if symptoms are not improving after a few days of rest and self-care, it is best to consult a doctor.

What does it mean if your tongue is still swallon a few days after you go your tongue pierced Like mine is still swallon but I can talk normally now?

It usually takes 10 - 14 days for the swelling to go down after you get it pierced, so if your tongue is still swollen after a few days that can be normal.

I recently fell on the floor and then noticed i had a swollen ball on my face how long will it stay and what should i put on it to reduce the size?

It takes anywhere from a few hours to a few days for inflammation to go away. Ice can reduce the pain and the swelling. Over the counter pain/anti-inflammatory medication can also help bring the swelling down.

Should there be numbing and swelling in foot and toes days after injury?

Sometimes it is a couple days after. Other times it can be right away. It sort of depends how it happened like if you were playing football and someone landed on your foot. That is an example of swelling and numbing. If you were to just fall, then that is an example of swelling and numbing after injury. It depends how hard you fell. If you fell quick and sturdy, it would numb and swell and that means you probably broke your toe(s) or your foot or feet. If someone landed on your foot then you probably just might have sprained it/strained it. Again, it depends on how hard you did it. If the swelling is right away and it is black, dark purple, and green, see a doctor as quick as you can. You probably broke it.