Incomplete ingestion of medication is known as Dyspepsia. Some symptoms of this condition include but are not limited to Bloating, Belching, Feeling full after eating very little food, and abdominal distention.
Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) is usually excreted from the body within 4 days after it is ingested; however the effects of this medication last between 10 and 16 hours after ingestion.
Metformin tablets generally take around 4-6 hours to dissolve in the stomach. However, the absorption of the medication into the bloodstream may start as soon as 1-2 hours after ingestion.
Ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination.
chemotaxis, adherence, ingestion, digestion, killing
Available antidotes are hydroxocobalamin (Cyanokit) and sodium thiosulfate and sodium nitrite (Nithiodote). Both are given intravenously. It also depends on how much cyanide is ingested.
Half of 8 is 4 but your question is incomplete.
1.25 ml is equivalent to 1/4 teaspoon in medication measurement.
ac ... ante cibum... Take medication before mealsad lib... ad libitum... Take the medication as much as desiredad ... auris dextra... Use medication in right earas ... auris sinistra... Use medication in left earau ... auris uterque... Use medication in both earsbid... bis in die... Take medication twice a dayhs... hora somni... Take medication at bedtimeIM... intramuscularly... inject the medication into the muscleIV... intravenously... inject the medication into a veinod... oculus dexter... Use medication in right eyeos... oculus sinistra... Use medication in left eyeou... oculus uterque... Use medication in both eyespo... per os... Take medication by mouthpr... per rectum... Take the medication rectallypc... post cibum... Take medication after mealsprn... pro re nata... Take medication as neededq3/4/6h... quaque 3/4/6 hora... Take medication every three hoursqd... quaque die... Take medication every dayqid... quarter in die... Take medication four times a daysl... sublingual... Dissolve medication under the tongueSQ... subcutaneously... Inject the medication under the skintid... ter in die... Take medication three times a daytop... topically... apply to the skinud... ut dictum... as directed
o% information incomplete
Improper: 5/9 / five ninths Mixed: 1 1/4 / one and one fourth Incomplete: 5/? / five somethings