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well if you drink beer u get drunk and take of your bra and stuff and start thinking your sexy.also you pis all over people

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: 4 Describe the effects on the urinary system of drinking too much beer?
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yomama, yodada, and u sike im playing

What are the practice health habits to keep the urinary system?

drinking enough water,about three lite rs a day

How can you take care your urinary system?

By drinking enough ,so kidney doesnt have to work to hard,no urine infection

What system comes after the urinary system?

When urine exits the urinary system, it is at the exterior of the body. There is no system "after" the urinary system.

Is the urinary system sterile or nonsterile?

The urinary system is sterile

What don't the urinary system do?

It do not do functions not that are to unrelated that urinary system do.

Names of the urinary system organs?

the urinary system it is the meaning is ta meaning im jusk kiddding it is the urinary system im so happy to tell na urinary system

Is the bladder in the excretory system?

NO, the urinary bladder is part of the urinary system.

What are the effects of physical activities to the excretory system?

The kidneys, which are part of the urinary system, may not work as optimally when exercising. This is because the blood flow is restricted.

Which system of the body contains the ureters?

The ureters are part of the urinary system. There are two ureters, one coming from each kidney. They attach one on each side at the top/sides of the urinary bladder. They carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder.

What system removed metabolic wastes from the body?

Urinary System (A+)