According to Google:
1 (cubic centimeter) = 0.202884136 US teaspoons.
So that means:
30 cubic centimeters = 6.08652 US teaspoons.
12.5 cc to teaspoons
There are 20 cc in 4 teaspoons.
6 cc = 1.21730482 US teaspoons
Well, honey, 30 grams of borax is roughly equivalent to about 6 teaspoons. So if you're in the mood for some DIY cleaning or crafting, just grab that measuring spoon and get to work. Just don't go sprinkling it around like fairy dust, okay?
7.5 cc of water in 1.5 teaspoons.
There are 5cc per teaspoon, so 45cc equals 9 teaspoons.
0.3 cubic centimeter = 0.0608652409 US teaspoons
60 cc is the "mass" equivalent of 60 liquid mls, or 12 teaspoons.
1.8 cc = about 0.365 US teaspoons.
3 cc is about 0.61 US teaspoons.
7 cc = about 1.42 US teaspoons.
104 cc = 21.1 US teaspoons