This is not a valid conversion. Cubic centimeters (cc) is a measure of volume. Grams (g), kilograms (kg) and milligrams (mg) are measures of weight or mass.
it depends on the concentration of the medication... in mg/ml... you can convert mg/ml to mg/cc as 1 ml = 1 cc. If your medication is at a concentration of 10 mg/ml, then you have 10 mg in 1 cc. You can calculate 1 mg in 0,1 cc.
The conversion rate between milligrams (mg) and cubic centimeters (cc) depends on the density of the liquid medicine. Typically, for water-based solutions, 1 cc is roughly equivalent to 1 gram, which is equal to 1000 milligrams.
This is not a valid conversion. Cubic centimeters (cc) is a measure of volume. Grams (g), kilograms (kg) and milligrams (mg) are measures of weight or mass.
The strength of Morphine depends on the concentration of the drug. If 6 mg Morphine is the prescribed strength, a little over 1/2 a cc of Morphine 10 mg needs to be administered. Morphine is supplied in 5 mg/ml and 10 mg/ml ampules. CW: For water, a cc is (just about) a mg. For stuff dissolved in water, a cc is about a mg. For Hg, doesn't hold.
No. 1cc = 1cm3 = 1mLAnswer:A gram of water is 1 cc. A mg of water is 1/1000 of a cc. (These numbers change slightly as the water changes in temperature.)
You cannot directly convert milligrams (mg) to cubic centimeters (cc). The milligram is a unit of mass (or weight), whereas the cubic centimeter is a unit of volume. You can convert milliliters, however, to cubic centimenters. In fact, they are equivalent; that is, 1 ml = 1 cc.
The conversion between mg and cc are given .On finding the relation we get as follows . 1 cc =1000 mg. so, 10 mg =0.01 mg . 0.01 cc in 10 mg of morphine.
No. 1 cc equals 1 g (not mg) of water. The gramme is defined as being "the mass of one cubic centimetre of water". Strictly speaking, the kilogramme is defined as being the mass of one cubic decimetre of water. ... but 1cc = 1 mg? Definitely not, unless you are talking 1 cc of a material with a density of 1 mg per cc.
It depends on the substance. Mass (mg) and volume (cc) are different things and use different units.
250mg=berapa cc?