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Flat feet was not a reason for being rejected unless the flat feet cause back problems or other problems that would interfere with being an infantryman or navy man or Marine. You could not be taken into the military if you had a bad heart, really high blood pressure, Diabetes, really bad vision, bad hearing, systemic or chronic problems that could not be managed, blood diseases, and a host of other problems. Basic idea was you needed to be fit, not sick, and have any problems that would prevent you from being able to fight any second.

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Q: World War 2 physical deferments - flat feet?
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Flat feet

What are the most effective flat feet treatments available for individuals seeking relief from this condition?

The most effective treatments for flat feet include orthotic inserts, physical therapy, supportive footwear, and in severe cases, surgery. These options can help alleviate pain and improve foot function for individuals with flat feet.

What is Dallas physical features What is Dallas physical features?

Dallas and its surrounding area are mostly flat; the city itself lies at elevations ranging from 450 feet to 550 feet. The Trinity River is also a major physical feature of Dallas, TX.

Do apes have flat feet?

yes, apes have flat feet

Is flat tires a sign of physical change or physical change?

Flat tires is a sign of physical change. The tires go from being normal, to then being flat. This changes their physical form.

What is an important physical feature in Dallas Texas?

Dallas and its surrounding area are mostly flat; the city itself lies at elevations ranging from 450 feet to 550 feet. The Trinity River is also a major physical feature of Dallas, TX.

What are the Best shoes for flat feet?

The best shoes for flat feet are those without arches. Flats, sandals, and boots are good choices for flat feet.

Why do African American people have flat feet?

It is a myth that all African-Americans have flat feet.

What can you do for your flat foot?

Castes do help for flat feet

Are high arched feet more attractive than flat feet?

depends on opinion. flat feet are an unattractive genetic mutation

I am asking on behalf of my son... If he has very flat feet but no known problems, is he eligible to enlist, and if so, will they conduct any imaging on his feet to look for hidden anomalies, even if no difficulties during the physical occur Thanks.?

Yes he can still enlist as long as his feet aren't making him disabled in any way. But having flat feet itself is not considered a disability so he is fine to enlist.

Do frogs have flat feet?

yeah. they're webbed/flat.