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Because narcissists worship their own image - not God. All evil worships something other than God - be it money, power, image, etc. A narcissist is evil because a narcissist feeds off other people feeling inferior to him. All evil needs to feed off something divine in order to obtain energy. All evil is like a fire - it needs to burn off wood or other form of organic energy. Narcissists feed off of making a good person feel more inferior. If noone feels inferior to the narcissist or if no one worships the narcissist, the narcissist feels empty. They suffer from seven deadly sins namely vanity, envy, deception and greed. In our case.... the sins are greed and lust first.... pride, gluttony..... anger, envy and sloth. Lust, pride and greed are my N's Gods. I might put Sloth at the top, actually... if I think about it... the complete lack of work on spiritual self. As pretty and charming as they can be..... if you look closely.... it's very evil to see someone saying one thing then doing the outright opposite. Consitently. To the detriment to their loved ones and anyone else in their orbit. In order to avoid examining themselves they'll scapegoat everyone in their lives to create drama and the electric current of NS. They simply don't care about anything beyond their needs.... like a heroin addict. It appears evil.... because it is. It's also pretty evil to know they can't,for the love of money or God, put themselves in other people's shoes. In this case...... it's like looking at a sociopath without too much premeditation for instigating your pain. Your pain is a natural by product of them operating in the world. Not their specific goal. The goal is all about them..... not you. You don't rate an empathic response..... not because they're denying you.... but because they have no empathy to give. Even for themselves. They aren't happy people. They're hunted and driven people. No rest for the wicked. Tremusan We certainly can understand the narcissist in the two ways as posted above...psychologically or religiously. And the honest truth is, both ways advise us to leave the person and the relationship. There is nothing we can do for a narcissist. All of us are seeking truth, true happiness and love for fellow man. Each of us must find these things by ourselves, the narcissist specifically, if his or her psychological state or God permits it. Truly good posts above! I think it explains why it is so hard to leave the narcissist, because we want them to experience peace, happiness and love...just as Jesus went among many to spread "the word", and he kept on. I must always remember that I am not divine...I am human and I must realize that I can only do so much before I too can be poisoned by the sins and attitude of others. In The Bible, and in my many counseling sessions, I am told that it is not wise to be "unevenly yoked with unbelievers", and counseling advised me not to be in the company of those who do not make me feel happy and at ease with myself. At some point, I must realize that to be with the narcissist is my own selfish sin...thinking that I will be the one to change him through what I have learned from the bible. Maintaining my position of narcissistic supply is actually codependent and not helping him stand on his own two feet. It is actually postponing any healing that could possibly take place by an act of God or a psychological adjustment. Peace to's the weekend! mbme

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