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Mitochondria are called the power-houses of the cell, because this is where cellular respiration occurs (where the energy is made).

Muscle cells perform much more work than cheek cells do, and so require more mitochondria.

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Q: Why do muscle cells contain more mitochondria than cheek cells?
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What are two important ways that muscle cells differ from cheek cells?

It has more mitochondria.

Do cheek cells present a mitochondria?

Yes, cheek cells do contain mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy-producing organelles found in almost all human cells, including cheek cells.

What are the similarities between a muscle and cheek cell?

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Where is the mito condria found?

Mitochondria are small organelles in cells which provide them with the energy required for respiration to occur. Hence, they are found in the cytoplasm of all living cells but to different extents in different cells. For example, muscle cells will need more energy than, say, cheek cells, and will contain more mitochondria. Keep that in mind. I do hope that helped.

Is there a mitochondria in a cell?

Cheek cells a typical animal cells.They have mitochondria in them.

Is mitochondria found in cheek cells?


Do cheek cells have membrane bound organelles?

Yes, cheek cells do contain membrane-bound organelles such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes. These organelles perform specific functions within the cell to help maintain its normal functions.

What kind of CELLS make your cheek?

The cheek contains muscle cells, covered by epithelial cells.

What does a cheek cell contain?

A cheek cell contains a nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, and organelles such as mitochondria. It also contains genetic material in the form of DNA within the nucleus.

How are cheek cells different from muscle cells?

Skeletal muscle cells are very thin, and lean. They are designed for contraction and expansion.

How are cheek cells and muscle cells different?

i dont know do you ask your dad

Why is the shape of muscle cells and cheek epithlium cells different?

Irregular round shape