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Viruses need host cells to replicate and this cannot be done by growing them like bacteria cells are grown.

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Q: Why can bacteria be grown in a petri-dish but not possible for viruses?
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How are bacteriopages used in medicines today?

Bacteriphages are viruses which destroy bacteria and so can be used where bacteria are a problem (such as in a hospital ward over grown by a drug resistant strain of bacteria).

Does penicillin have bacteria?

it is grown from bacteria

Can viruses be grown in lab on synthetic material?

No. They need living cells or tissues to be grown.

The cause of rising of polio and other new unknown diseases and viruses May be these are lab grown viruses What is your opinion?

There are many possible causes of the rise of disease and one of them could be that viruses grown in a lab and released into the environment. Other possibilities are that new gene variations being created through genetic engineering have unpredicted consequences, effects of chemtrails, substances in foods, increased pesicide use, etc.

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The experiment that demonstrated DNA as the molecule of heredity was conducted by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase in 1952. They used bacteriophages, which are viruses that infect bacteria, to show that genetic information was carried by DNA, not protein.

What is the difference between a virus and a rickettsia?

Viruses are submicroscopic infectious agents that require a host cell to replicate. Rickettsia are a type of bacteria that are obligate intracellular parasites, meaning they can only survive and replicate inside host cells. Viruses lack the cellular machinery for metabolism and reproduction, whereas rickettsia have some cellular functions but still rely on host cells for survival.

Is bacteria green?

Bacteria is not necessarily green. In fact, bacteria cultures grown on a plate often show up as white splotches.

Why viruses are grown in chicken egg?

Don't ask questions you don't want/require the answer to.

What kind kind of substance would you use to grow a viruses in a laboratory?

Viruses are typically grown in living cells, such as bacteria or animal cells, as they need a host to replicate. Specialized growth media, such as culture medium or cell culture media, are used to provide the necessary nutrients for the cells and viruses to grow. These growth media are usually supplemented with amino acids, sugars, salts, and vitamins to support viral replication.

Why dont viruses grow on nutrient agar?

Viruses cannot grow on nutrient agar because they require living host cells to replicate and spread. Nutrient agar only provides a medium for the growth of bacteria, not viruses. Viruses lack the cellular machinery needed for independent growth and must infect a host cell to replicate.

What should you use to grow germs for a project?

Bacteria are usually grown in a shallow glass dish (a Petri dish, although you could use any dish) in a growth medium made of gelatin; you could use Jello. Viruses are trickier, they require living tissue of some sort. For an amateur, it's best to stick to bacteria.

Do eye shadows expire?

Yes, all cosmetics expire. Sometimes its because the volatile compounds have all evaporated, and sometimes because it's possible that they are old enough that bacteria might have grown in them.