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infrared and radio :)

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Q: Which forms of light are lower in energy and frequency than the light that your eyes can see?
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Do yellow light or red light have lower energy?

Red light has lower energy than yellow light. The energy of a light wave is directly proportional to its frequency, with red light having a lower frequency and therefore lower energy compared to yellow light.

Do x-rays have lower or higher frequency than light waves?

Light waves and X-rays are both forms of electromagnetic energy. X-rays, however, have higher energy (higher frequency and shorter wavelength) than (visible) light.

Does higher energy light have a higher frequency than lower energy light does?


What determines the energy of light?

The energy of light is determined by its frequency or wavelength. Light with higher frequency (shorter wavelength) carries higher energy, while light with lower frequency (longer wavelength) carries lower energy. This relationship is described by Planck's equation, E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency.

What happens to energy when the frequency of light waves increase?

When the frequency of light waves increases, the energy of the light also increases. This is because energy and frequency are directly proportional in electromagnetic waves, such as light. Therefore, higher frequency light waves carry more energy than lower frequency light waves.

How is frequency relate to energy of colors of light?

The energy of a single photon is directly proportional to its frequency.Specifically, E=hf, where h is the Planck constant.

What can be determined from the frequency of a light wave?

The frequency of a light wave corresponds to its color or wavelength. Higher frequency light waves have shorter wavelengths and are in the violet-blue end of the spectrum, while lower frequency waves have longer wavelengths and fall in the red-orange end of the spectrum. The frequency of light also affects its energy, with higher frequency light waves carrying more energy than lower frequency ones.

Does yellow light have more energy than green light?

No, yellow light has less energy than green light. Green light has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength, which corresponds to higher energy. Yellow light has a longer wavelength and lower energy.

How does frequency affect light?

The frequency of light determines its color – higher frequency light appears bluer, while lower frequency light appears redder. In addition, the frequency of light affects its energy – higher frequency light carries more energy per photon. This is why higher frequency ultraviolet light is more harmful to living organisms than lower frequency visible light.

Do X-rays have a higher or lower frequency than light waves?

Light waves and X-rays are both forms of electromagnetic energy. X-rays, however, have higher energy (higher frequency and shorter wavelength) than (visible) light.

What is the relationship between the frequency o a light wave and its energy?

The energy of a light wave is directly proportional to its frequency. This means that light waves with higher frequencies have higher energies, while light waves with lower frequencies have lower energies. This relationship is described by Planck's equation E = h*f, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency.

Are heat and light forms of energy?

Matter absorbs the light and different kind of vibrations are generated inside the matter which creates heat. Light has energy (Plank's constant X frequency). This energy when absorbed by matter, it increases the temperature due to deposition of energy in form of heat. Now if anything is hot enough, there are vibrations and rotations of atoms and molecules in that matter. The vibrations of electron with different frequency generates light of the same frequency.