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smoking is so last millennium and uncool...prob by age 18

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Q: When will you die when you smoke in the age of 13?
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Related questions

How old did you have to be to smoke?

You legaly have to be 18 years of age to buy a smoke.

Is it illegal to let your 13 year old smoke?

Yes, people are not legally allowed to smoke in the United States until age 18

What age do you die at?

If you smoke or take drugs, the likelyhood is that you will die at a young age, however, if you are healthy, you may live over 80 years old.

Can you smoke at 13 and nothing happen to you?

some of my friends who are 13 and 14 smoke but they seem fine . But later on in life is when they will have difficulties. Smokers suffer from lung disease and die earlier than other people.

How old should be to smoke a cigarette?

you should be at least 18, but why would smoke in the beginning? It's bad for your lungs and you could die at young age.

When do you die from progeria?

The normal age you die at is 5-13. The oldest, however, was 21.

Why do so many adults care if kids smoke i am 13 and i smoke cigarettes its my life my choices?

because it is stupid to smoke and you will die so there fore you are so stupid because you are comiting suicide

Each year people die from anorexia around what age do they die the most?


What happens if you are under age for 13 plus games?

You die in the minute.

When did Zeng Jinlian die?

February 13, 1982 age of 17.

Statistics in teenagers smoking?

i am 13, and i smoke. end of story. i know at least 15; 10 year olds that smoke, and many more from other age groups under 18.

Does TL smoke?

TL (Taylor Lautner) does not smoke and can't smoke because he is under age. You have to be at the legal age of 18 to smoke and he is only at age 16. His costars in Twilight, Kristen Stewart and Nikki Reed unfortunately smoke. Oh man, I do wish KS and NR didn't smoke. :( it's so sad because they could die from this and what will all us Twilight fans do when they get lung cancer and pass away? :''''( it's so sad to think of the thought.